FREEBIE: CU4CU Flair Templates

I hate to say this, but I get so backed up that I often forget or have to push certain things to the back. Well, someone had once asked me how to make flairs and when they did I created these flair templates for easy use but never got around to posting them. (Sorry for that if you're reading!) Anywho, I've decided to talk briefly about the easiest ways to create some flairs but the freebie is below!
So as far as creating flairs, you really can't do much without the plugin Alien Skin: Eye Candy Impact. If you don't have it you can get a demo HERE. I absolutely love it and use them just about every time I create a kit. So to create a flair the easiest thing to do is take a picture or a paper and cut out a shape that you like. I often use the selection tool and set it to a rounded rectangle or circle. Then go to Selections>Invert and hit the Delete button on your keyboard to get rid of the extra image. Then with the shape you like go to your plugins and use eye candy glass. You can play with the settings until you get something you like and you're all done. That's it. Now you can create your image with just about anything. You can create a shape using your preset shapes and then layer other things on top of it, like words or flowers or whatever you can think of. When you're done get rid of anything hanging outside of your shape. Then merge everything together and use the glass to turn it into a flair. It's super sinple once you know how to use everything. :)
So here is your freebie and I hope you all enjoy it. I decided to make it a CU4CU product becuase there's really nothing to the templates. So please don't redistribute these templates that I've created for you. In this pack is one square and one circle template in tagger size. When you want to add your image to it start adding and layering above the white layer at the very bottom, right below the mask. The layer is marked so it's super easy! Hope you enjoy!



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