Are You Trying to Lose Weight or Get Healthy?

Ok, I know this is really off topic but I really wanted to let everyone know about my new blog and new passion! As everyone should know, I had my second child in December and once I recovered I decided to start losing weight! My main goal is to become healthier for my kids and to teach them the right ways to eat! Anyone who's ever been over weight will know that this is something you don't want your children to ever have to deal with. So I've decided to make a change in my life. I have tons of knowledge about the subject because the military kinda drills a lot of it into you and I also like to read up on lots of things that I'm interested in. the hardest part is putting it to good use! So I wanna share what I know and what I find with others who are on a similar journey to weight loss and healthy living! If you want to know more about my journey or find some great resources then visit my new blog! It's just starting out so there's lots of info for me to add but I wanted to get the word out! I'll also be linking it in the linkbar here for everyone to find! :)

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